Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Blog as I close out this one

Everyone, we embarked on this trip about a year ago, and i've not updated this blog in a while.
We are about to go to the Mayo clinic in MN to see if anyone there can help Heidi, so I am starting a new blog to chronicle that trip as well as add some stories that we have been through over the past two years since Heidi's ALS diagnosis. While not as "fun" as this Hawaii trip was, i'm hopeful that we'll find some answers and maybe a way to stop her declining health.
the URL for the new blog is:
Hope to see you there.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Back for a week now...

Hi all, we have been back in Colorado for a week now. Just getting settled in. We arrived at midnight last tuesday and then on Wednesday night at 2:30 in the morning, Heidi's sisiter, her husband, their 4 boys aged 13-8 and a their one year old baby girls showed up for 5 nights. Talk about having to get over your jet lag quickly!

All in all, the visit went very well actually. Really enjoyed seeing them. I wish I was not so busy getting settled in, because they had some good times. They went up to our mountain place and played in the snow one day and then went indoor skydiving the next. Sounded like a blast!

So, we are settling back in finally. I'm not sure about the future of the blog. I will post some of the newer Hawaii photos on my facebook page soon. You should be able to access that whether you have a facbook account or not here:


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Quick update: March 26

Hi All,
We are back in CO and I have put a brief post up on the other blog:

Will get some new photos up ASAP.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Photos below

couple of new photos down below as well...

Friday night lights

The lights are the are they out tonight!

We grilled some teriyaki swordfish the other night on the beach. It was great! I forgot to tell shelby that you REALLY need to keep the spatula out of the sand, and when I let her flip one of the filets, well, let's just say it got a bit gritty. Oh well. It was fun to build the fire on the beach and hang out out there at night.

My surfing yesterday left alot to be desired. The waves did not seem to cooperate and were breaking everywhere I was not, and the wind picked up and kept blowing me down the beach, so I spent most of my time "getting a good shoulder workout." I actually ALMOST caught a wave on my first try and that was as close as I came. It was fun though and made me want to keep trying.

Really looking forward to the next few days. More fishing, waves, bbq's and next Saturday a trip over to Kauai. Peace.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Finally decided to get a golf cart.

All, since the neighborhood golf cart craze had been spreading like a rash, i have finally succumbed since I found a golf cart that is big enough and bad enough to represent.
I found this little beauty on the road between Honoka'a and Wiamea. I am going to name it "Little BigFoot" and will proceed to crush any other golfcart in my path in the 4th of July parade.
Yea! Baby! YEA! B.

Friday, February 29, 2008

The fun stuff!

Hi all.
Well, look out, i'm 6/9ths of a bottle into some '97 Hermitage (Paul Jaboulet La Chapelle, to be specific....anyone .... anyone... Buehler...Buehler) and my newly acquired expertise in 4th grade math tells me that that is also 2/3rds and yes, the rest is in the glass to my left. Nothing in the math book talks about what happens when you blog and drain the bottle at the same time. We shall see! Thanks to Heidi for helping me initialize a dent in the bottle so I can't take "full credit" for it. Good stuff by the way...i'll give it a WS 94 (thats a William Sedgwick 94...not a Wine Spectator 94...oh nevermind.)

I must also give a shout out to my man Arthur Ellison who not only cut us a smokin' deal on our stay here at the Palm Villas at Mauna Lani, but also left for us the aforementioned Hermitage as well as a bottle of 04 Caymus cab, which you may know, is one of my all time favorite houses. Please rent one of his places if you ever come here to the Mauna Lani. He owns three in this building and though we are in the largest of the three, i'm sure they all rock the house like this one does. I have posted a link to his VRBO site before, but his email is if you want to reach out to him. He's working on a new website for them, so i'll post a link when he has it ready.

OK, what else...oh yea the camera..I know I need to post photos but I'm not exactly sure where the camera is and i hear the batteries are dead anyhow. I have to say that that Canon camera, while a great camera from a photo perspective, sucks battery juice like no tomorrow. I think they were in a pact from hell with the energizer bunny to pad the corporate coffers when they came up with this energy pig. Let's just say that the bunny does NOT keep going and going and going. It like goes for a little bit, gets a little pooped out, then it starts flashing a red battery icon with a "NO" line through it and then it shuts down. Nice. The should have called it the Cannon Slurp. Instead it is called the Cannon X blah blah blah..whatever.

ummmm..yummy wine.

Since Heidi has been sneezing like a banshee when she drinks wine, we have not been drinking much on this trip. We think that maybe she's allergic to sulfites, because she IS allergic to sulfa drugs. Does anyone with medical knowledge know if there's a potential connection? I will say that we DEFINITELY have noticed a connection to her sneezing and any wine consumption. Does anyone know of a good wine that does not contain sulfites? That would be good too, sort of slaying the dragon without spilling the blood, IF you know what I mean, and I think you do.

Oh, i'm reading Hawaii (by James Michener.) Wow, what a read. i'm on like page 400 and i'm only about 1/3 (aka 5/15ths, yea boyee) of the way through. Last night, i was getting tired of reading so I was looking at my position in the book relative the end of the missionary section (Oh PLEASE, i'm talking about the god-fearing Christian missionaries that brough Christianity to the heathens, not the a-hem, "Missionary position", gosh you people have such dirty minds) and it looks like it was "doable" then 2 hours later i'm still not even close. I think the type is about 5 pts. They should sell "free lasik surgery" with the purchase of the paperback version of this book.

Anyhow, if you have any interest in these islands and you have not read this book, you should. Clearly it is not an accurate historical account, but consistent with Michener's style, there is much authenticity to it's background info and it obviously leverages reality in it's tales. I'm told there's also a movie based on the novel starring Julie Andrews, which probably does not suck, but also would not be nearly as good. Here's the trailer..., powerful natural forces belch fire from the center of the earth to create a potential paradise far from anywhere, genocide, incest, bloodthirsty brutality, group sex, pestilence, religious fundamentalism (both multi-demigod and missionary style Calvanist Christianity to be specific) red-hot lava, hurricanes, smoking volcanoes, shark attacks, 60 foot waves, warmth, trust, love, belief, faith and more...all in the first two chapters (of yea 400 pages). Really quite amazing. i'm looking forward to the rest of it. But ANYONE who has read this...can I get a ooorah or an amen to what a putz Abner Hale is? AAAAGH! If he was not so brilliant in some ways with balls of pure steel, i'd hate the guy. Actually i still kinda hate him. Sorry, just the book so we can commisurate.

Well, I just hit the sediment (in my glass) and the clock struck midnight. Well, it didn't really "strike" anything, it just is midnight. OK.
time to call it a night. B.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Attack of the hounds from hell!

Hey guys,
Well, guess what I got another FLAT TIRE today! We went and did the Volcanoes Nat'l park gig and checked out the steam vents and the caldera and all that fun stuff. There was alot of sulfur coming off the volcano and the gas it produces is both noxious and obnoxious (smelling) so we didn't hang around all that long. Also, some of the roads were closed due to the gas, so that was a bit limiting. As it is now, the only flowing lava is in a remote area where there is no access except by air, and no lava is currently flowing into the ocean, so that's not as exciting as it might be.

On the way back home we dediced to drive up Orchidland road and when we got to a place to turn around all of the sudden these two dogs start running across the property towards us. Im thinking OH, nice doggies they must think their master is home and are coming to greet him...NOT! These were hard core attack dogs and looked like about the meanest dogs i've ever seen. We were in the van and had the windows rolled up by the time they got there, but DAMN, they were jumping at Heidi and then started biting the tires of the van! I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but the same tire that the biggest nastiest dog was biting is the one that got a flat. Heidi was like "be careful" to not hit the dogs as I was doing my 3 point turn to get out of there, and I was like "Hell with that! We outta here!" It would have done those dogs some good to get a little hit from a car. So, when we got back to the gas station after we got MORE icecream for the girls (and us of course) a blg 'ole flat tire. Lucky for me, I'm now an old pro at changing minvan flat tires, so we were out of there in about 10 minutes. Back to the airport to switch out the van again! First I got a mean old local gal named "Pinky" (true story) and she was slamming the pen down, telling me to fill out this and that...eww. I just HATE that treatment. Finally, a nice person at the counter came and took over for her and we were all good after that. I wonder if I'll see any additional charges on my bill from that...who knows.

So, here's another funny story. Over at Kalapana yesterday we ran into an old haole dude selling organic fruit for $.50 a pound which we bought about 10 lbs. of. I asked him about this fruit that I saw some Locals harvesting off a tree and he let me know that it's called Noni fruit and is medicinal, which of course peaked my interest. Apparently Hawaiians have been using it for hundreds of years to cure things ranging from cancer to chronic pain. He showed me how is smells like dirty socks and how a "naturopath" was eating the thing like an apple recently but looked really "healthy." Then he pointed us to a factory nearby and we stopped off and got the speil and I walked out with a 32 oz bottle and some caplets. So, here's the funny part. This stuff is about the nastiest tasting stuff on the planet...sort of a "no pain no gain" thing I guess. I gave Heidi her shot of it this am and she characterized is as "Like drinking a fart." (her exact words, my friends.) I sort of have to agree with her. She looked it up on the web and found that it is sometimes also known as "vomit fruit." LOL. So, i'll be having my second shot of the day here in a bit... hell, it was $8 for that bottle and i'll be darned if I'll let it go to waste! Hopefully it will cure my chronic pain in my hip.

Oh, and did I mention how prophetic Jim Kelley is? Our place here is completely surrounded by Coquee Frogs. Now the rumor has it that the chirping is only done by the males to call out to the females to come "spend a little quality froggy time" with the Mr. The first night I was listening to them (pretty much all night) and it seemed like one by one they "hooked up" and quit chirping kookee kookee. But there was this one I actually felt bad for him. Like the desperate guy at the bar, holding out for the last available gal and she takes off with someone else...yet he stays, thinking that, against all odds, someone will show up at the last minute to appease his male yearnings. Well, I don't think he did, 'cause it seemed like the chirping never ended until he dragged his sorry ass all the way back to whatever hole he crawled out of in the first place. Now i'm not being mean, I really heard from our waiter the other night that they live in holes in the ground and sleep there during the day. Another thing I noticed is that sometimes they make a different jittery noice, which all I can assume is that the are giggling with the girlie frog that they hooked up with, or they are laughing at all the other males that are still chirping. To me, the untrained ear, though it would seem like all the guys are saying exactly the same thing. Now, most of us would have to harken way back to a different age, but ladies, wouldn't it have been BORING if all the guys that walked up to you in the bar said EXACTLY the same thing, like "Hey Baby, i'm not just hot i'm Kookee Kookee." Jim, did you already know the Coquee Frog had infested the Puna area of the Big Island?
Peace out. B.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Big Island Hijinix.

Wow, lots of fun stuff to post in here tonight...

We arrived on Wednesday and got to the house with no problems. We should have gotten more packing done the night before we left and ran out of time to get the house somewhat in order, left a few things and we were all tired from the travel day, but we made it and here we are. We went out to dinner in Pahoa on Wednesday night and were VERY pleasantly surprised by the restaurant we went to. It easily rivaled if not surpassed many of the fancy restaurants we have visited in Honolulu or here on the big island in some of the Kona side resort communities. I think the place is called Keolos or something like that. The prices were reasonable by resort standards, but probably exorbitant by Pahoa standards...if you were here, you would understand.

The next day we decided to head over to the lava tree state park via lunch in Pahoa. So I stop in the little market/deli in town and order some lunch to go and what a town. The best I could describe it would be something like Boulder meets skid-row. A host of gnarly looking characters wearing shirts like "I don't make enough to kiss your ass" (true story) or just a big Pakalolo leaf and a full head of at least 5 or 6 teeth, but compensating with shoulder blade hair and spider web tatoos. Sweet look bra.

If you read the other blog, you probably know by now that I got a flat tire at. We pull into the "parking lot" of the state park which has moon crater sized potholes and gigantic ruts in the concrete. YET there is a fricking batallion of state maintenance dudes renovating the BATHROOMS! "YO, Keoki...over here bra...fix this fricking volkswagon sized hole in your parking lot, I can pee on the moss rock." Oh I swerve a bit to miss the giant rut and psssssssssssssssst...immediate flat. 2" cut in the sidewall of the tire from a wayward piece of lava. That stuff is SHARP!

So I call the guy at Dollar rent a car and he was USELESS...though he tried not to be and was friendly...but STILL! I barely had any cell service at the location, which causes all kinds of havoc when you are trying to navigate through "press this buttone then that button" hell. But the dude was like "um ok, you need to locate the nut on the floor so you can lower down the spare...It should be between two rear seats. NOPE. Uh, ok, then try in between the two second row seats..." Me: "is it under a panel?" because there is a plastic panel here." Um..yea, maybe. can you Pry off the panel?" Me: "With What?" Him: "um, well, do you have a screwdriver or something" Me: "Dude, I'm in Lava Tree State park, with almost no cell service, a completely flat tire and and I need some critical info where is this "nut" and no I don't have a screwdriver." Him: "um, yea...ok, well does that minivan have stow and go seating, because I can pull up another manual for that...Me: CLICK.

Oh well, i'll call handy dandy Amex...they'll help, right? Last time I got my statement they said on it "Oh, and remember, when you rent a card with "THE CARD" you don't need additional insurance coverage, we've got you covered. And, i've been spending a few hundred grand a month with them in media so, yea...I should be ALL good, right. So...after a couple lost signal bummers, I finally got someone in roadside assist and she said "Great sir, I can help you!" Me: "GREAT! Please write down my number NOW so when we drop you can call me back! I'm in Hawaii at blah blah blah... " "Oh, is that a rental car?" Yea. "oh, well, normally we pay the First $50 of service...but since its a rental car, we don't pay anything. But, I can call you a tow or someone to help you.." Great...I can do that too and I don't have to try and be on hold forever either. um hmmm...yea, thanks um yea...ok buh bye..

I finally figured out where the "nut" was...up between the two front seats. Got the tire changed with the help of a very nice guy named Bill and we were on our way back to Hilo to exchange the car in the matter of about an hour or two.

Lots more fun to write about, but now i'm tired.

more soon,

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Hey All,
Well, it's fishing...not catching. I went out offshore with Harrison from Hidden Hawaii Inc. and we dragged our baits all day and never hooked up. It was not for a lack of trying...we went out to the bouy offshore and then trolled all the way up to off of Maile point. It was fun to see Black Rock, the Radio towers and some of the old reference points we used to use back in the day when I fished with my dad out of Wianae Harbor in the late 80's...before GPS.

Harrison is a really nice guy and would recommend his company to anyone that wants to come over here and go fishing. He's got three different boats, a 46 Bertram out of the AlaWai, a 67' Buddy Davis out of Ko'Olina and the 25' Donzi that we went out on. His website is if you want to check it out. They also have other types of fun stuff to do like their own dinner show, "pipe buggys" which is like 4 wheel drive dune buggys and mountain bike tours off the beaten path.

We had a lot of good time to catch up and get to know each other better, so it was interesting to talk with him about lots of things. People ask me about fishing all the time...what's so great about dragging lures around all day? Well, it's not just about hooking up with fish and fighting them and having a stocked freezer or a big fish taco party. It's also about the companionship, the chance to be out on the open sea, seeing the beauty, the birds, the whales, etc. Great times all around, no matter what. On a long day out there, when the fish are not biting, those are the things you hold on to and really do cherish. Harrison offered to take me out fishing again free of charge when we get back from the Big that is Aloha!

Wow...but early though bra! Harrison said "Get a good nights sleep" but how do you exactly do that when you have to leave the house at 4:45 am, and you don't sleep the night before very well anyhow...all that "alarm clock" I going to hear it, etc. LOL. I don't think I've EVER had a good nights sleep before a fishing trip.

And check out the sunrise photo...that right there is amazing. Bigger one below the posts.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

OH, and can't forget the fishing update...

Hey, just a quick note for my angler buddies who keep begging me to post about those exploits...
Finallly had a bit of success fishing from shore. I caught two nice sized Weke the other day on the small spinning rod fishing with some ahi strips from a fresh ahi I the farmer's market on Saturday am. It was fun, and a decent little fight on that light rig I have. The two fish were enough to feed the family dinner yesterday evening. Steamed the fish and then mixed them in with some sauteed almonds, basmati rice, sweet philipino onion bread and a couple other items...yummy! Cheers. Photo ----->

Sorry so long!

Hey All,
Sorry this has taken so long to get back to this blog. So much has been happening and I have been drained at the end of the day and need to be somewhat inspired to do this blog. I have been trying to keep the other one updated with general events etc. Some relevant photos appear also at the bottom of this page.

So, here are some interesting things that have happened. The other day, I was walking along the beach and ran into an old V-ball buddy named Susie. She mentioned that there was a "reunion" of sorts at the Hilton beach where I used to play. I brought the whole family down there to see if a few of the people I know showed up and It was more than I had hoped for. It was actually the first time in 14 years that most of those people were there and not only did I have an opportunity to connect with people that I knew well, but also to have fun with people I didn't know too well. Also ran into Jeff Rodgers, who I didn't know from Hawaii, but he was one of my good friend, Brian Gatzke's partner on the AVP tour back in the early 90's. I never knew he went to UH. Bri, we missed you bro. We had an absolute blast...played until we couldn't see the ball anymore.

One other thing that was particularly poignant was that there was a tribute and brief vigil for a friend of ours that passed away in 2005, RD Gray. Brian P is a shop teacher in high school, and created a beautiful wooden cross and Danny A drilled it into a tree overlooking the court area and the beach. RD lived for playing ball, and many of his best times, i'm sure, were right there on that court. So it is fitting that there is something there to remember him by. One thing that I saw, and almost could not believe was while we were there waiting to have a toast to RD, the cops showed up and told Brian to dump his beer. While it was a routine thing, I think it was RD's spirit sitting up there going, "Bra, you gotta give me a taste of that beer", so down it went to the roots, and up to him. Cheers RD.

Another thing that has happened...Back in December I was communicating with someone who had a house for rent and for sale on Kauai. It is a beautiful 6 bedroom property on 5 acres close to nice protected beaches, etc. Well, I exchanged several emails with the owner who seemed like a very nice person, but nothing seemed to work out. Flash forward a few weeks.
I'm standing on the beach, Shebly calls out to see if I saw how great her last cast was, and a random guy walking by makes a comment about how cool it is to catch a glimpse of that little "father daughter moment." We got to talking a bit and he mentioned a few items about investment real estate, etc. I've heard a few things about the Makaha area as a one with potential, and he is on his way to stay over there for a few weeks. The guy is staying here close by our place selling a condo and is on his way over there to sell another one.

So, later, I get an email saying...hey bill...we have already been communicating..and he forwarded me an email from earlier talking about his Kauai property. Also, earlier that day, Heidi asked me if I found a "healer" for her yet (sorta joking, sorta not.) Well it turns out that not only is he the guy, he's only on this shore for a few days, he has not really been walking the beach very much, and rarely is he making comments to people on the beach...oh, and did I mention that he knows a healer on Kauai? Yes he does.

All my life interesting things like this have happened to me. I don't really believe in fate, more like divine intervention, but it never ceases to amaze me when events like this occur.

Other little stuff...we have been wanting to do a surfing lesson for Shelby. Well, guess what, we had lunch with another old v-ball buddy, Gabi, who is now into surfing and willing to take us out at her fav. spot, and she's got extra boards.

Well that's it for now. Tomorrow am i'm going fishing offshore w/ Harrison of Hidden Hawaii, Inc. Should be a fun day! I have to get up at 4:30, so will be off to bed here shortly.
Peace, B.

PS: Apparently from my previous post "here they come to snuff the rooster" some people (well, maybe just one, who knows) thought that I actually killed a rooster. I did NOT kill a rooster. I METAPHORICALLY snuffed a rooster, because I beat Marcus at pool and he was strutting around LIKE a rooster before he lost. HA! I'll also have you know that I bought some earplugs for the whole family today at Ace hardware in Haleiwa town.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

quick notes

Hi all,
On our trip downtown today I ran into one of my old beach volleyball buddies, Suzy, at Derussy Beach and I found out that there's a "mini-reunion" this weekend of some of my old crew at the Hilton beach, so we'll go see who's there. I'm sure they have all aged gracefully.

Peace out,

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Here they come to snuff the ROOSTER.

Hi Everybody,
I would just like to say that yesterday I had my chance to snuff the rooster and depose the "King of Manoa" at the same time! If you don't know my friend Marcus, let's just say that as an ex Jar-head, he can talk smack with the best of them. So, yesterday after we went to "mud fest 2008" aka the Punahou carnival, we went over to his place where he proceeded to claim to be the "King of Manoa" and strutted around like a rooster (all of this about his prowess at billiards.)
Heidi actually encouraged this behavior as she knows how annoyed i've been with the roosters around here.

So, in order to take my revenge on the roosters of the world, I decided to take on the King. Well, I won the first two games and graciously decided to give him an opportunity to play 3 out of 5. Well, since the humiliation was getting to him, I gave up the next two games and we were on for game 5, the "Rubber Match." After missing a couple of easy shots, I was behind in the game and Marcus was on the eight ball to win. I warned him after all his rooster strutting around that he better watch the scratch ball...well, cocky rooster that he is, he declined to observe the required patience and promply lost the match to me by sinking the eightball and the cueball at the same time...YES, the King and Rooster were snuffed on the same day! LOL.
Later, B.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Big Day on the High Seas

Yea bra, the seas were big, the boat was small, and the fish were biting.

Well sorta. I went out with my new fishing buddy Tony and we got off to a bit of a slow start. These things are to be expected when you are fishing with someone for the first time, the boat is old, and he has not used it in a while. No biggie, we got it going and got out there. The wind and surf were up, I'd guess the swell was in the 5 ft. range with a few 8 footers here and there. It was pretty choppy so we staying in fairly close to shore. This time of year there is not a whole lot happening but given the conditions I felt pretty good about the trip. All in all, we had a great time. Tony is a good dude and clearly loves to fish, so we share that gene, apparently.

We did not get any hits trolling (at least none that we saw, but one of Tony's lures looked like my prom date's dress after midnight.) Well, not really, but I was trying to be descriptive and most of you can probalby relate. I actually didn't go to prom, but that's a whole nother story and i'm still looking over my shoulder to see if my girlfriend from my senior year is behind me. DOH!

WHAT??? I was saving money for my Eurail trip and was, even then, not much into "conventional thinking." I guess what I'm saying is I couldn't give a shit about Prom, then or now. Somehow my girlfriend at the time understood me. Maybe it was the fact that I didn't call her after I left for Europe that really pissed her off. I mean I know she was pissed because I saw her at buffs game my Sophomore year at State (I guess she went to CU) and she didn't want to talk to me...But I digress... I guess I could have just said that one of Tony's lures looked like a "rumpled mess" and then I wouldn't have had to confess about my Prom situation.

So we went inshore (not that we were that far offshore to begin with) and tried some bottom fishing. Not too much luck at first but Tony got the skunk out of the boat and then we picked up a nice little papio (small jack) and a really nice Weke, both of which are very good eating. We got a few oama after that, but nothing of much size. I tried to live bait one of the little Oama, but never got a strike on him, so let him go with a "go get bigga bra." At least we'll have fish for dinner tomorrow night!

I'm sore and a little sunburned and very tired. I will say that I had an advantage on the bloody roosters this am. I was up at 4 waiting for the birds to start. I guess I should have yelled out the window this am "Hey you lazy ass roosters, get your asses up and wake up your cockfighting a-hole owners while you are at it." But then, I suppose all the neighbors would be plotting to kill me in tandem with my own sinister plots on their birds (though I doubt they'd be blogging about it.)

Now that I think about it, Maybe coororoodle dooo (which is ACTUALLY more like what they "say", now that i'm an expert, vs. cocka dooodle doo) means "get your ass up and fish."

Oh, and I feel a bit self actualized this night. After I picked up the ice, I was making my way over to the harbor and a nice, gaggleheaded, fully bloomed rooster literally strutted right in front of my car. I felt like it was God testing me, and I chose not run over that rooster; however, since I'm in a confessional mood, I will confess that the thought crossed my mind, which I suppose is a sin too, especially if I were catholic or something. (no offense to all my catholic homeys out there, you should be way madder at Jay Leno than me...)
[touches heart...kisses two fingers...points to the sky]
Peace out. B.
PS, scroll to bottom for one more photo.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

reposting for George (Keoki)

I enjoyed this so much I thought I'd throw it on my blog with some translations.
It was posted to my original post with all the other comments and a couple days late, so it might not have gotten the attention it's what it is.

Aloha kakahiaka on this, Po’alua (poh ah-loo-ah), in Iaunuali (ee-ya-oo new-ahlee) to the Sedgwick Ohana.Dempsey and JK are hapai ... I mean hohono.Remember the best medicine is ... aka`aka.A hui hou kakou.Have fun looking these words up.Keoki

My translation:
Aloha on this Tuesday in February to the Sedgwick Family. Dempey and JK are pregnant and I'm jealous... I mean stinky. Remember, the best medicine is laughter. A hui hou (Later) kakou (written carelessly)

peaceout! B.

Zippys plate lunch

Hey All,
Well since it's Hawaii, we had to go to Zippys. If you are not familiar with Zippy's it's like Village Inn but for Locals. The plate lunch phenomenon is basically a mixed plate of rice, veggies and whatever food you get. I ordered the Yushan Curry Chicken. Talk about a heart attack on a plate. Breaded chicken, thick curry sauce, white rice and mixed veggies. I forgot that the chicken was breaded in that dish so was surprised. Man, no wonder you see so many overweight locals. If you ate that food all the time you would have to either run a marathon once a day or succumb to a life of largeness.

Not much else happening. We went to the beach at Haleiwa today for a bit and a nice dude let us try out his paddle board. Will post some photos on the other blog from that. Tomorrow we are going back to Town. There's an ALS TDI meeting at one of the hospitals down there so we are going to check it out. Before that, I think we will go to Autie Pastos, which is our old fave Italian place from back in the day. Still there and has not changed a bit, which is cool because so much has...

Right now fishing is scheduled for Friday if they call off the small craft warning. I didn't get a chance to go spearfishing yet, so will have to post on that later.

Peace, B.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I didn't do it.

Well, there's lots of things I did, but I saw a dead rooster on the road yesterday and I want to go on the record to say that it was already dead when I went over it. Seriously. I do not want to get a bad rap for being on the "hunt" for roosters when I have not started yet. Besides, clearly, I would have started much more near my house than 6 or 7 blocks down the road that the poor dead fowl lay (my earlier comments about the hen notwithstanding.)

Now one thing I DID do was catch my first fish of the trip. Let me set the stage. It was yesterday afternoon and I had the Penn International 975 out ready to rage and epic battle with a worthy adversary. I had the week old squid sliced into srips and my semi-circle hooks ready to go. I have been snokeling in the "backyard" and pulled out many a piece of lead left by other local fisherman so was sporting the actual hardware used by more experienced surf fishermen than I. Yes my friends, all of the preparations had been made. Week old squid stinks by the way and the smell likes to linker post several washings. Just thought you would like to know that little tidbit for future reference. OK, back to the battle. I cast my line out with a skill that belies my relative inexperience with surf fishing and set it up in my "stake" (the beach rod holder.) Within seconds I felt the familiar tap tap tap of a fish on the other end and set the hook.

Within seconds, the fish was on the beach and i'll have you know that it was a very colorful, not very big, but potentially very lucrative in a sushi restaurant ..wait for it...blowfish. So, there it was a rare sukiyami blowfish. (I totally made the "sukiyami" thing up but it added authenticity until I clued you in, ya?) It was croaking at me with big cow eyes saying "let me go let me go." Sort of like that fish in the kids tale..."let me go and I'll make it worth your while." (or whatever it actually said in that tale that was more descriptive and relevant) Well, as much as I wanted to fillet that little blowfish and take my chances with the toxic sac that will send 99.9% of the public into instantanious convulsions and the throes of agonizing death, I decided to let him go and hope for him to deliver on his telepathic promise (imagined or not.)

I was supposed to go fishing tomorrow with my new fishing buddy Tony, but alas the weather is not cooperating. Small craft warnings persist here on the north shore with surf coming in the 15ft range and trades blowing 15-25 and gusting much higher. Hopfully this trend will die down and we'll be able to go out soon. Now we are shooting for Friday.

What else. Oh, I purchased a dive float for some offshore freediving. I used to do this alot when I lived here before. I'm not in shape to do the same stuff I used to, but will hit the reef tomorrow and see if I can spear some eating fish. So, we'll see how THAT goes...swimming on the reef by myself with 15 ft. surf...sweet. The way that works is that you trail a float behind you on a nylon cord with a bag on it, so if you spear something or catch a lobster you put it in the bag. That way, if a shark comes along because it smells the blood in the water it goes for the bag instead of you. Clever strategy, really. Did I ever tell you the story of my buddy who was diving and spearing in scuba gear (very unsporting) and had his bag strapped to his side instead of on a float while my dad and I were freediving above? This was off of Makaha, where about 3 years ago a surfer was killed by a 20 ft tiger shark. Well, ask me about it sometime. Its an interesting story.

Peace out.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Hoppin' Friday night in Waialua

Hi All,
Well, it's a hoppin big Friday night on the N. Shore. All the local kids are congregated at the one light on the bathroom building of the beachpark 3 doors down. Probably just waiting for the cockfights to get going. Tom, i'll try to restrain myself from throwing down a benjamin when I hear the bloodthirsty crowd send up a cheer for the victorious fowl.

We just got back from "town" (Honolulu) where we went to Gordon Biersh for dinner.
Not bad. As a cultural diversion we went to the top of Aloha tower which, though thrilling, pales by comparison to many of the towers in the world you probably have been on or in.
All in all, the girls were not that impressed with the scene at Aloha Tower Marketplace.
My takeaways from today:
1) The Euro is strong, I think a german speaking tour company would do well here these days, though that is probably not news to you if you have been skiing already this year.
2) Although the Yen is not strong, all the shops still cater to the Japanese tourists and are therefore completely empty. Some poor old store clerk lady who spoke only broken english looked really pissed when we didn't buy a super ugly one piece bathing suit that would have fit Shelby that was only $40. It was kinda like, "Well, I walked all the way from around my counter over here to this rack with one girls size suit on it, pulled it off the rack AND held it up for you in all it's pink out of style ugliness, so the least you could do is buy the damn thing you selfish haoule's." Well aloha to you too, sweetie but no thanks. (oops, i'm channelling Dennis Leery now, sorry.)
3) Gordon Biersch can still make a decent hefeweizen.
4) The Island is crowded once you get out of Wialua.
5) If Weatherstone lost it's rep per Steve's note, then the rep was sadly undeserved in the first place.
6) KoKee frogs suck. In fact, a buddy of mine that lives "in town" sells for the YellowPages here and lives in Hilo once a year for two months. Apparently the place is completely infested with those little buggars, and Jim was 100% right. Like every unwanted "foreign" pest here, it will surely someday make it's way around the islands and ruin someones sleep very near to here. Until then, I have the roosters, doves, finches, crickets and geckos to sub-in for them.
7) Everything is expensive here. Milk: $6.49 a gallon; Life Cereal: $6.89 a box (on sale!) Charmin Toilet paper: $6.49 for a 6 roll bag. Yes people, it's even expensive to crap in Hawaii. I for one, will be engineering an extra fold into my routine somehow and will have to have a chat with the girls about the ginormous wads that they have become accustomed to. Consider it my contribution to curbing global deforrestation while not completely depleting the college fund.
8) Bottled water (unbranded) was 5.99 for a case...not too bad. But then, I look at the receipt and there's a $1.20 charge for HI Bev. deposit and another $.24 for Hi Bev. fee. Whatever.
9) Male hula dancers working a welcome line for a booze cruize look like they would give almost anything to not be male hula dancers doing that. One of them actually did a giant YAWN in the middle of one of the girls' routines. I guess it was kinda like the farm team for Germaine's "too good to miss" Luau or something and let's just say that it was clear that they were already out of the playoffs.


10) Its 80 degrees, the sun shines here and it sets over palm trees, the turquoise water laps at the golden sand and it makes everything else OK.

Oh, and I found a fishin' buddy. He's got a little boat, which will be nice on the fuel, works for Avaia one month on one month off (sounds like a pretty good gig to me) and hopefully we'll figure out a way to get out and get some fish.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

background info

If you did not read my first couple of posts on the family blog go there and check them out first.

That way you will "get" the rooster jokes. One thing I noticed in my first couple of posts on the other blog was that I was not writing some pretty funny things (at least I thought they were funny) so thought i'd start this new blog.

For example, if you read my first post from the islands I talk about the roosters, what a pain that they are and the fact that I found out that cock fighting is something that happens here fairly openly. Yes, apparently there is a cock fighting ring here on the north shore. You see how this type of dialog, it's a monologue... could quickly go to the gutter. I never thought I could use the words cock and ring in the same sentence without it being some type of review of adult, ahem, accessories.


Here we go...adults more suited for this one...

Initially, I posted this on the other blog, but reading it I thought two is too long for kids to be interested and two I think my humor is both over their heads and probably inappropriate, so here ya go. If you are stil interested in my on.

The symphony is all around us. Well at least around our house beginning at 3:45 am. First it's the roosters, and then the doves and the finches join in at about six. This is great. Sort of like a free ticket to Carnegie hall every day! Yea~! Convincing? ay yie yie...

A quick visage into the depths of my we pulled into Haleiwa this afternoon, a large chicken sort of strutted across the road in front of my car. My impulse was to gun the engine and muster the massive horsepower of our minivan and leave that bird as nothing more than a skidmark. To smash it into oblivion as a reminder to all domestic fowl to fear me and observe a quiet existence in my presence. I did not do that, but thought I might as well confess my unfulfilled fantasy to the general public and add one more reason to not run for public office someday. It was lucky it was a hen.

Most of the past few days have been spent running around the island getting food, medical supplies and today had a couple of Dr. appointments. Heidi found an MD here about 5 min. away that she liked and had some testing done for another MD in TN that has some theories about our situation. So, in short we (read Heidi and I) have not really had much fun yet. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to get on the beach and hang out w/ the girls. I did manage to get my feet wet today as the sun went down.

The weather has been a little cool by HI standards. Quite a bit of rain and clouds today and in the mid 70's. Generally, this is as bad as HI weather gets unless there's a giant storm over the islands. I think tomorrow will be sunny. Days begin calm with surf in the 5-7 range and then get windy at about 11. At 4 or so, the winds die down and the skeeters come out, but the water is awesome around then.

Yesterday, I did get the line in the water, but did not get anything. I reeled up a missing hook, so think I was cut off by a barracuda, which are prevalent here. Joe, it took me about 4 casts to get the 975 dialed in and distant. That reel is sweet. I'm having a little size envy with the neighbors here and their gigantic surf casting rods, so I might need to break down and buy one. I did cast mine as far as they were, but the hight of the line on the beach leaves me with some fear that i'll clothesline one of the joggers-by. I'm "hanging loose" on the offshore fishing until we figure out how to get some coverage for Heidi. I really can't leave the house at this point because getting around for her is not an option without some help. Its mostly the getting up from these low chairs that presents the problem, but nobody wants to be stuck in the same place for hours at a time, as much as I might try to convince her the importance of fresh fish, etc... Just kidding.

Shelby had a fever yesterday afternoon and slept from about 2pm through the night, except when she came in at 3:40am to let me know she was still not feeling well. I think the Roosters felt sorry for her too, because as soon as she got back to sleep that's when they started up. I think that some earplugs are going to be cheaper and easier to come by than C4, so I'll try that next. Thankfully, by this am, she was feeling better. I on the other hand passed out at about 3:30 for an hour because I am getting sleep deprived.

I'll close with a funny Country island anecdote today. As I perused the classifieds this afternoon at the clinic, I noticed a funny one. It read something like this under PETS:

Cute little ducklings, furry and free to a good home. NOT FOR EATING. call 808...

Looks like i'm not the only one with homicidal domestic fowl thoughts on the brain, though ducks are last on my long list.
Pau4nau , B.